It’s Finally Here: The College Search

Maybe you’ve been planning for college since you knew it existed, or maybe you’re coming into the process a little less enthusiastically. Wherever you are on your college search journey, we’re ready to help you find the place where you’ll become who you were meant to be.

On this page, you’ll find helpful resources as you apply for college at the Mount or anywhere. Don’t hesitate to reach out if we can answer any questions for you!

Undergraduate Admissions Criteria

Application requirements: Completed application and official high school transcript. Applicants are welcome to submit additional materials they feel may enhance their application, such as a letter of recommendation.
Average GPA: 87/3.0
Application fee: Apply for free!
Application deadline: Apply any time — the Mount has rolling admissions.

The Road to MSMC

While college may still be a few years away, there are still some things you can do to start preparing!

  • Start to think about what you’d like to major in.
  • Consider what you’d like out of a college experience. Do you want a big school or a small school? Close to home or far away? Any specific sports or clubs a must-have?
  • Start to research schools that fit your criteria. Your guidance counselor can help you find schools, or you can use an online resource like Naviance or College Board. Be sure to visit the schools’ websites and sign up to receive more information!
  • Consider taking the PSAT in sophomore year.
  • Attend your school or region’s college fair to meet representatives and learn about different schools.
  • It’s never too early to start visiting schools! Check out school’s open house schedules to see what they’re like in person.

Now’s the time to really start preparing for college! 

  • Sign up and study for the SAT/ACT (the Mount takes both exams, but does not require either) so you have plenty of time to retake them if you wish.
  • If you haven’t already, now’s the time to start visiting schools. You don’t want to visit so many that you get overwhelmed with your choices, but make a list of 3-4 that you’d like to visit and have your parent or guardian do the same. Be sure to visit a school you don’t think you’ll like, too; you might just be surprised!
  • Create an email address just to use for college applications and be sure to check it often for important updates.

It’s finally here: Senior year! Next year, you’re off to college, but here’s the steps to get there:


  • If you haven’t already, visit your top choice schools to get a sense of what life is really like on campus.
  • While we are test optional, if you still want to take or retake the SAT/ACT, now’s the time! The average SAT score from our students is 1080, not including writing.
  • Ask for recommendation letters from teachers and coaches.
  • Check in on application deadlines and make a calendar with all of the upcoming dates.
  • Submit your applications! The Mount’s application opens August 1.
  • Apply for financial aid by filling out your FAFSA at Depending on the schools you are applying to, you may need to fill out additional applications for scholarships. At the Mount, you’re automatically considered for scholarships when you apply.


  • Celebrate each time you get accepted to a college!
  • Attend Accepted Student events for your top 2-3 colleges.
  • Make your college decision and submit your deposit. The deposit deadline for fall 2024 has been extended from May 1 to June 1.
  • Be sure to watch your email for information on submitting your final high school transcripts and registering for Orientation and housing.

"If you have any questions, you should reach out to your Admissions counselor. They are super helpful and will be there for you every step of the way!”

Reyna Baumann ’23
Reyna Baumann ’23

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