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Scientific Teaching Fellow in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Certificate
Howard Hughes Medical Institute/Yale University

MBA: Finance, Economics, and Management
University of Rochester, Simon Graduate School of Business
Awarded an Innovative Scholarship

MALD: Law and Diplomacy - magna cum laude
Emphases: International Law, Negotiation & Conflict Resolution, International Security Studies
Tufts University, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (corp. with Harvard University), Medford, MA
Thesis: Why Meditation in Kosovo?
Graduate Teaching Assistant for Distinguished Int'l Law Professor Alfred Rubin in Int'l Legal Order class

MA Graduate Studies in Political Science
Emphases: International Political Economy & International Business Transactions
St. John's University, Queens, New York

BA: Bachelor of Arts in Political Science with honors - magna cum laude
Emphases: Politics and Philosophy; Law, Policy, and Society
City University of New York, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York, NY

Online Teaching Certificate
Pace University, New York, NY

French Language and Literature: Intermediate French I and II
NYU, New York, NY

BS: Undergraduate Studies in Russian Language and Literature
University of Prishtina, Faculty of Philology, Prishtina, Kosovo

Graduate MBA Courses
MGT 5240 XI OL - Financial Management in the Healthcare Sector
MGT 5090 XI OL - Financial Management

Undergraduate Courses
BUS 4250 OL - Financial and Economic Analysis of Sport
BUS 3020 OL - Money and Banking
HCM 3020 OL - Financial Management in Healthcare Sector
ECO 2020 OL - Economics: Microeconomics
ECO 1010 OL - Economics: Macroeconomics

Specialization / Areas of Interest
More than 20 years of hands-on-experience in an academic setting, private enterprise, politics, and the United Nations. Skilled in the design and execution of organizational reconstructing, management buyouts, M&A, recruitment and hiring, compensation, employee development, and project implementation. Lately and mostly interested in the economic fundamentals and contemporary world markets, the international financial markets – the Global Credit Crisis. Extensive knowledge using Financial Modeling: (able to implement with Excel and VBA)

  • Econometric Models: Multiple Regression Analysis, OLS, Time Series, Exponentially Smoothed Forecasts. 
  • Asset Pricing Models: Multi-index Model, CAPM, Forecast of Horizon Wealth.  
  • Interest Rate Models: Swap, Duration and Convexity Model, Vasicek’s Term Structure Model, CIR Term Structure Model. 
  • Derivative Models: Binominal Tree Model, Monte Carlo Simulation (with antithetic variables, with quasi-random sampling), Black-Scholes Valuation Model, MBS. 
  • Risk Models: KMV Merton Model, PSA Mortgage Prepayment Model, Credit Scoring Modeling-Altman’s Z, JP Morgan Credit Metrics Analysis, VaR, Greeks. 
  • Portfolio Models: Core-Satellite Model, Black-Litterman Model, Treynor-Black Model, Portfolio Optimization (generating the efficient frontier: Huang & Litzenberger’s approach). 
  • Performance Measurement and Attribution: Conventional measurement, Style Analysis. 

Memberships and Professional Associations
Worldwide Who's Who!

Achievements / Awards
Awarded an Innovative Scholarship during the MBA Graduate Studies


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