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Degree Level:
SASE - Division of Humanities
Learning Mode:
On Campus

Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies

What are the humanities? English, Philosophy, History, Religion, Arts, Languages – the humanities are comprised of these and other subjects that study the depths of human culture. If you're interested in studying a range of humanities majors, then Humanities@Work is your dream college program!

Why be in the Humanities@Work program?

Here's what makes this program unique:

  • Student sitting in classroom with a sociology textbook.Discounted tuition: Humanities@Work offers students a reduced tuition , for all four years, as well as a 4-year graduation guarantee.
  • Well-rounded academic structure: Study all the subjects! Students will progress through six theme areas intended to sharpen essential skills employers look for in their candidates.
  • Participate in yearly internships: You will have the unique opportunity to participate in an internship each year, with a deeply-immersive internship experience in your senior year.

What to expect as a Humanities@Work student

Minimum six credits within each of the six theme areas | Maintain 2.0+ GPA

Learn about Interdisciplinary Studies major academic requirements and courses here.

In the Humanities@Work program, you'll major in Interdisciplinary Studies as you progress through six theme areas. Students work together in a cohort model to build these skills both inside and outside the classroom and fully immerse themselves in the program by living on campus. Plus, you'll benefit from seminar-style classes, which are generally smaller in size (fewer than 15 students), allowing you to go in depth on a topic and challenging you to stretch and grow as you debate and learn in an intimate class setting (the best way to learn the Humanities, if you ask us!).

As a Humanities@Work student, you'll combine coursework in literature, history, social sciences, philosophy and religion, writing, and more. The six theme areas are designed to sharpen useful skills employers are looking for. By shifting the focus from the subject you study to the skills you obtain, you'll learn how to apply your humanities studies to the real-world workforce.

You will also participate in an internship each year, with a deeply immerse internship experience in your senior year, taking what you've learned in the classroom and applying it on-the-job. All Humanities@Work students will live on campus to more fully engage in this robust program.

Be prepared for your future

Employers all over the world, including top CEOs, are always in search of candidates with diverse skills like critical and creative thinking, writing and public speaking, the ability to work well as a team, problem-solving, global consciousness, and emotional intelligence.

Humanities@Work will sharpen these skills and provide you with hands-on work experience. Rather than study one major to pursue a specific job, you'll be prepared to take on an entire field of careers after graduation. For more information on how you can apply these skills to various career fields, check out the Humanities@Work theme areas page.

Want to learn more? Request information here!


This program features small, intimate class sizes built to help you succeed. Plus, you’ll have all the student support we have to offer. Every Humanities@Work student will have an academic coach with our Office of Student Success, access to our Writing Center and Library, and more.

In order to keep our class sizes intimate, only a limited number of students will be accepted into this program each year.

To meet the needs of a flexible and self-directed program of studies at the heart of Humanities@Work, students take advantage of the self-designed Interdisciplinary Studies major within the program's six theme areas. This allows you to choose your own adventure across disciplines when it comes to academic choices.

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