Merle Rumble, a retired educator (foreground) and Angelique Robinson, FCSD Paraprofessional (background) present “African American Trailblazers: Scientists and Inventors Who Transformed the World with Innovation and Compassion” at Mount Saint Mary College
- by Mount Saint Mary College

Merle Rumble, a retired educator (foreground) and Angelique Robinson, FCSD Paraprofessional (background) present “African American Trailblazers: Scientists and Inventors Who Transformed the World with Innovation and Compassion” at Mount Saint Mary College…

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  • Test
    - by Mount Saint Mary College

    From making real-life slime to stacking liquids like a layer cake, the young scholars from Bishop Dunn Memorial School recently spent the afternoon with Mount mentors learning how fun science can be.  The students of Jodie Fahey, associate professor…

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    This is a test of this development site. This is a test of this development site. This is a test of this development site. This is a test of this development site.  This is a test of this development site. This is a test of this development site. This…

  • Left to right, Nikolai Marzouka, Constituent Services Liaison, 39th Senate District; Paul Brothe, Board President of Habitat for Humanity of Greater Newburgh; Jill Marie, Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity of Greater Newburgh; Fr. Gregoire Fluet,
    - by Mount Saint Mary College

    Left to right, Nikolai Marzouka, Constituent Services Liaison, 39th Senate District; Paul Brothe, Board President of Habitat for Humanity of Greater Newburgh; Jill Marie, Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity of Greater Newburgh; Fr. Gregoire Fluet…

  • Mount Saint Mary College Nursing students administer flu shots on campus Wednesday, September 20, 2023. Here, Carol Wanyo, assistant professor of Nursing, oversees student Sarah Kluge of Wappingers Falls, N.Y., as she gives a shot to Shannon Neiswenter, a
    - by Mount Saint Mary College

    Mount Saint Mary College Nursing students administer flu shots on campus Wednesday, September 20, 2023. Here, Carol Wanyo, assistant professor of Nursing, oversees student Sarah Kluge of Wappingers Falls, N.Y., as she gives a shot to Shannon Neiswenter…

  • Merle Rumble, a retired educator (foreground) and Angelique Robinson, FCSD Paraprofessional (background) present “African American Trailblazers: Scientists and Inventors Who Transformed the World with Innovation and Compassion” at Mount Saint Mary College
    - by Mount Saint Mary College

    Merle Rumble, a retired educator (foreground) and Angelique Robinson, FCSD Paraprofessional (background) present “African American Trailblazers: Scientists and Inventors Who Transformed the World with Innovation and Compassion” at Mount Saint Mary College…

  • Mount Saint Mary College
    - by Mount Saint Mary College

    Mount Saint Mary College students will showcase a semester’s worth of research on Wednesday, May 1 from 4 to 5:45 p.m. The Investigating Research on Campus (iROC) student symposium will take place on campus in the Aquinas Hall Atrium, 330 Powell Ave…

  • Octavius Fryar of Newburgh, N.Y. will graduate from Mount Saint Mary College with a degree in Business on Saturday, May 18.
    - by Mount Saint Mary College

    Mount Saint Mary College senior Octavius Fryar of Newburgh, N.Y., a General Business Administration major, has already started his next academic challenge before graduating in May. The industrious Fryar began his MBA studies at the Mount in January of…

  • Mount Saint Mary College community took part in the annual Take Back the Night event on Monday, April 15 to honor survivors of sexual violence.
    - by Mount Saint Mary College

    The Mount Saint Mary College community hosted its annual Take Back the Night campaign on Monday, April 15. Students, faculty, and staff gathered on the patio of the Dominican Center before walking in solidarity across campus. The group carried candles…

  • Mount Saint Mary College
    - by Mount Saint Mary College

    Eight Mount Saint Mary College students received the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Chapel of the Most Holy Rosary on Sunday, April 7.  The Most Rev. Dominick J. Lagonegro celebrated the Mass with Interim Mount President and Campus Chaplain Fr. Gregoire…